Sex, horror and crazy people

This morning has been productive, not that you could tell by looking around my house. Eek it’s a disaster. However I’ve managed to get in a decent amount of writing , in spite of my cat trying to walk across the keyboard and lay on my face. But my story is coming along nicely. This one is much more erotic than stories I usually submit to publishers, but fingers crossed they think I write sex as well as I think I do. I like writing stories with a lot of sex, especially in my darker works.  Sex and horror flow so well together because they trigger such strong emotions, so primal. It’s just hot. Ok so maybe it’s just me. Am I weird for getting turned on by erotic horror? Wait don’t answer that. I’m happy living in my strange little world.

Maybe that’s why I’m so drawn to vampires, you have the best sex of your life but they might kill you. Personally I would take that chance.  From discussions I’ve had with friends crazy people tend to be awesome in bed. Alas that rarely turns out well.  But anyway I’m rambling to avoid housework.  Do you know of any great erotic horror books? Or have a great but slightly odd sex story you want to share?? Leave me a comment. I can always use new inspiration.


“The blood is the life”


Vampires are what began my fascination with horror, Bram Stokers Dracula to be precise. It was so dark, romantic, and monstrous, I fell into a love affair that only grows deeper with time. The charm, mystery, darkness and taboo surrounding vampires lures me in in every way imaginable. While I love the grotesque vampires and traditional legends the romantic vampires will always have my heart. No matter how many times I watch Bram Stokers Dracula I always find myself heartbroken at the end, wanting Mina and Dracula to live out eternity together. It is my favorite love story however silly that sounds.

I want to be loved by a vampire, to be seduced by immortal, unnatural charm. I want my blood to feed the one I love, for my life to sustain his. It’s the ultimate form of intimacy in my opinion. The idea of being a vampire also enchants me. Walking agelessly through the centuries, charming and feeding off of those I find desirable. Watching the world change and evolve, gaining more knowledge than you could learn in only one life. My friends laugh at my obsession with things vampiric, ( I have this habit of passing out at the sight of blood). Hey, I didn’t say I’d be a good vampire.

One day I hope I get the inspiration to create my own vampire story my readers can fall in love with. So far nothing has come to mind that I feel does the legacy justice. Til then I can just dream I suppose.


A holiday after my own heart.

Autumn is my favorite time of year. You can feel it in the air even before the first leaf changes, before the air cools and before the sky takes on that breathtaking shade of blue you only see during fall. Scary movies play on tv, spicy scents fill the air and we become surrounded with reds, oranges, and gold then black and orange and purple. Pumpkin everything, apple cider, and cinnamon, food and drink warm our bellies and fill us with comfort as we sit by a crackling fire,taking in every last second we can until the leaves fall and cold weather forces us inside. Autumn seems shorter than the other seasons maybe it’s our small gift  between the two most extreme seasons. It is certainly a feast for the senses.

Halloween… there are no words to describe my love of Halloween. The history and legends have always intrigued me and I still read Ray Bradbury’s “The Halloween Tree” every year. I love costumes and darkness and the feeling that otherworldly things are out and about making mischief. My husband and I went to New Orleans for Halloween last year, it was our honeymoon. We danced at the Lestat Vampire Ball where Anne Rice spoke, we walked down Bourbon St in full vampire costumes and drank absinthe at the Old Absinthe House. It was completely perfect. New Orleans knows how to do Halloween.

I love writing horror, I love looking for the excitement around dark corners. I love believing in things I can’t see and getting lost in worlds where vampires and werewolves haunt the night. Boredom is not something I understand, my imagination runs so fast I can barely keep up. Who wants to get tied down to logic and reasoning? Give me a “What if?” any day. Maybe that’s why I love fall, it constantly changes and there is a lot of room for “What ifs” lurking around after dark just waiting for me to write it all down.